FEED Your Inner Monster – Diabetic Cookie Solution

OMG, you should have been here to try the latest discovery that we have, here at KNC’s Corner Store. Now available in Aisle #69, Mmmly Functional Cookie. Let me just say, my inner Cookie Monster got the scent of these cookies on the air and just devoured the first two sample pouches in no time flat! Man, does the Monster want more after getting that initial taste!!

So far we have tried all the separate flavors of Mmmly Cookies over a few days, as we don’t want to over indulge ourselves. Which would be oh-so-easy to do sitting around our home office snacking on these tasty not-so-little treats. Their texture is so soft, fluffy and moist on the tongue. Not dry and leaving you gasping for a drink to wash it down. There isn’t a flavor that we didn’t like!

Type-1&2 Diabetic Friendly

For those of you unaware, Mike is “currently” Type-1 Diabetic (long story see PAGE HERE for explanation of on-going condition). These are actually healthy snack/treat for him in his condition. Being only 4 grams of carbs net, means he could eat 3 of them, prior to needing an insulin correction at his current ratio. This is only accomplished by using the sugar substitutes that are still all natural themselves, like Apples and Monk Fruit.

This isn’t just some ordinary internet spiel, you can see Our Tasting Video Here on our YouTube Channel with Mike actually giving them a try real time, for the first time. Unfortunately, we didn’t think ahead to record us trying all of the flavors we had on hand. To be honest, we were kind of expecting just another blah and ordinary “healthy tasting” cookie, not to be blown away by how freaking good they actually are!!

Then when you start to compare them to the others that are out there and available on the market today. The winner is clear when it comes to the brass tacks. Just take a look for yourself.

Subbing out the flour commonly used to mass produce most process foods sold in America today for Tiger Nut. What’s that, you’re not familiar with Tiger Nut? Why not? Its only been around for almost 2 million years or so… While not exactly a nut, but a member of the Tuber family of plants. Members of this family also include Carrots and Potatoes.

Although not as commonly known as these other members, the Tiger Nut when dried and milled down can be used as a great flour substitute. It is also KETO & PALEO Diet friendly, in addition to be being digestive friendly. Being all natural, Dairy + Gum + Soy + Gluten Free, I could go on… but honestly, I kind of want to get back to the cookies for another… product sample for the review I am writing… yeah that is it… mmhmm, research… I need more research…

Where Can I Find Them? You Ask…

These wonderful tasty little treats can be found on some store shelves, but not all yet unless you happen to find yourself in the Greater New York Area… So to get them out to the masses, the makers are willing to ship direct to your door. Some orders may even qualify for free shipping!